Wednesday 29 January 2014

Intro - Brief

During this project, my brief is to create a music magazine cover, contents page and a double page spread. My blog will be updated regularly and I will be displaying my progression through this course. My blog will include research, studying a music magazine covers etc... For inspiration on choosing what genre I would like to aim my magazine at I looked at a variety of different music magazines and the ones I was most drawn to were Blender, Q and Billboard which are all pop magazines. I was drawn to these magazines as they had a colourful layout, bold fonts and eye catching images.
I enjoy listening to Pop, R&B and Indie Rock however I listen to pop and R&B more and enjoy it much more than Indie music. I enjoy listening to Ariana Grande, Lana Del Rey, 30H!3, Rihanna and Beyonce and many more artists.
Since then I have been looking at a range of different music magazine covers and critiquing each magazines appearance to learn what makes a successful front cover and I will be using this research to my advantage on helping me to know what to include when creating my magazine such as colours, texts, images, layouts etc…

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