Wednesday 26 February 2014

Front cover Feedback

This is the feedback I received from my Target Audience on my front cover: 

Helena Da Silva: Overall I love the look of the magazine it really looks realistic and believable as magazine cover, because I've seen previous magazine covers that have the same layout/appearance as this. If I saw this magazine at a shop I'd probably be interested in reading it because of the artists mentioned/displayed on the front cover, I listen to songs that are produced by these artists (Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Bruno Mars and Shakira) so I'd want to read any gossip of info about them in the magazine. The two colors you've used are really bold (Blue & Red) and I think this is effective because its very eye catching and I'm drawn to the colors because the magazine has a very limited color scheme so any bright color jumps out at me, the only criticism I would give is the feature on Lady Gaga kind of blends into the hair I think its because the font you've used is to thin but other than that you're magazine looks amazing.

Marie Rocheska: I think this magazine cover is amazing. The image you've taken is clear and looks professional, the models eyes are bright and her gaze really catches my attention also I can see the link you've made straight away with her blue eyes and the blue colour scheme you've used which I think was very clever. I can also tell right away that the front covers main focus is of the model as she's got a few features about her on the cover, such as the pull quote from her at the bottom which tells me that there will be an article or page written about her that will explain 'her rise to fame'.

Neran Gurses: Looking at this front cover I can see the genre POP which is visible from the use of facial expressions as well as the simple but clear text used around the artist. I really like the way you have used your colour scheme with the colour of your artists hair, it blends very well. as your artists eyes are blue, i like the way you have included the colour blue in some areas in the text which helped bring her eyes out towards the eye level. The shot is perfectly focused and its not crowded with loads of texts which I think the simple the better. The idea of using one colour 'RED' which is for your logo helps it stand out from the other colours that you've used so i wouldn't of have made it blue for example as it would blend in with the page. Well done with the layout as i can read it clear and its not too complicated. Its appealing to me personally. The only thing i would develop is to either make the Festival part which is on the left top hand corner bolder so it stands out but everything else seems to be good! 

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