Monday 3 February 2014

Survey Results


I created a survey using SurveyMonkey which designs my own online music survey and I've sent the survey to a range of people that are aged 13-18 - my target audience. The results I have collected using the survey I have conducted I found out that Pop is a popular genre out of all the other genres that my target group picked out of. Indie music was second, and the third genre that the people I asked listen to is R&B . Making this survey was very useful and helpful because I now know what my target audiences preferences are in a pop magazine, and I also have more of a clear idea of  the content they would prefer to read about in the music magazine I will be creating, and they have helped give me more of a clear appearance of the magazine that I should produce by the feedback I had got back on what attracts them to buy a music magazine. This survey will help me greatly when I start to create my music magazine as I now know what my target audience look for in a music magazine because of the results I have gathered using this survey.

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