Sunday 9 February 2014

Pop Magazine - Flat Plan

 Cover Page 

This is my draft plan for my front cover. I have been looking pop magazines such as Q magazine covers for inspiration to get an idea of how I should have my layout, but I've especially looked at the cover of Q magazine with Florence and the machine on the cover, reason being is that cover in particular really caught my eye and I was drawn to it by the angle of gaze from the model that appeared strong and fierce so using the same technique of angle of gaze I've chosen to do the same on my cover so I've drawn my model looking straight towards us because its an effective use to grab a readers attention.

Creating my magazine logo/masthead was a difficult process, I struggled with thinking of the name of my magazine, but my final choice was name it ‘Clash’. I chose to name my magazine ‘Clash’ because the genre pop clashes with a range of other different genres such as rock-pop, indie-pop, dance-pop, electric pop etc... so I though it was a clever masthead to use for a pop magazine. I liked how Q magazine laid out their masthead in the corner and I also liked the use of red behind
 the white text, I thought it came across as appearing simple but professional so using the same idea, I did that with my masthead but instead I put a C that stands for 'Clash' in the red box.   

I've chosen to make my colour scheme blue, white and black, the reason for my choice of the colour blue is because as well as a majority of my target market liking this colour I also chose it because it links to my model/artist on the front cover because of her bright blue eyes so I decided to make some of the text around her blue to complement her eyes and bring out the colour more.

I want to have a close up shot of my artist on the front cover because the research I have the done on pop magazine covers (Q magazine in particular) most of the artist on the cover usually are of close up to mid shots. I want my artists facial expression to be happy so I’ll instruct her to smile when I’m taking the test shots, I want her to be smiling because looking at other pop magazine covers the artists always radiate positivity from their appearance because they are always smiling or laughing but that depends on which magazine company I look at. 

Contents Page

This is my new draft plan for my contents page. I’ve linked this page to the Cover page because I was consistent with my colour scheme of using blue as my main colour, I also made a clear link to the cover page by using the logo/masthead on the title (contents) and using the C in front of music guide.The largest image on the contents page is of my artist (Megan Lindsey) that I will be writing a double page spread about, and I’ve chosen to be the largest image because I’m trying to make it evident that she will be the main subject of the magazine so I want people to notice and focus their attention on mainly her. 

How I’ve drawn my artist out is how I want her to position herself for my magazine. I want her to be against the wall, with her hands up against it and  pushing herself of it a little to create the effect that she's coming towards us, I think this pose is effective because its more distinct to other dull poses instead of just making her pose standing straight this posture adds personality giving us the impression that she's confident and outgoing which shows us glimpse of her personality.

The way my artist will be dressed is fashionable and trendy which fits into the genre of pop because this is the fashion style that you would see other established artists dress in, teenagers in particular so my target audience can also relate to what she’s wearing because they have a similar style to her as they around her age group (teens).
My two other images will be of two other artists in each image, the shot of the girl sitting on a speaker will have a microphone in her hand, and my next shot of the image under the title ‘140 songs to download now’ will be of a girl sitting in the middle of a room with balloons flying around her and I plan to have the room lit up with a pink lights to have as the background for this photo. The idea I have behind these two photos will be shots/ freeze frames of a music video that these two artists have filmed and these photos are promoting their new songs.

Under features I have put another title ‘Young Music’ which will basically have page references to articles about young up coming artists or teen/young adult pop singers such as Cody Simpson, Justin Bieber, Arianna Grande, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato,  Selena Gomez etc… I’ve chosen to do this because my age group gave me feedback on what content they would be most interested to read and they said gossip and article about young pop artists.

Old Contents Page

This is my old flat plan of my contents page that i'd done. The reason why I've changed the draft of my contents page is because the feedback I had gotten back from people I had asked which is my target audience said that this contents page is "good if it were to be a contents page for a book instead of a music magazine" so that is what influenced my decision on producing another flat plan for my contents page, and the majority of people I asked their opinion on it said the same thing.

Double Spread

This is my draft plan for my double page spread. My colour scheme is kept consistent once again using the colour blue, but this time I've limited using the colour blue and I've left the majority of the page white making this page the most blankest and plain but still effective of how simple it is laid out. Its effective because looking at most pop genre based magazines a large quantity of them have their double page spread like this, putting the model/artist on one side of the page and the other side has the text laid out next to them.  

The shot I’m using of my artist will be a mid to long shot to capture more of her body because I have previously had shots of her in other pages of my magazine and they were close to mid shots so I wanted to alternate to a different shot type. The artist will look directly into the camera to engage with the target audience/reader, and I’m using this method again to grab my readers attention and get them interested into reading the article and interview with my artist. I also include a pull quote in the middle of the text to make it stand out more and look eye-catching and this pull quote will be something that my artist mentions in the interview that interests the reader. 

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