Monday 3 February 2014


Do you purchase music magazines?

How often do you purchase music magazines?

-once a week
-once a month
What genre do you prefer?

How much would you spend on a magazine?

-£1 or less
-£2 - 3
-£4 – 5
-£6 or more
What magazine cover are you most attracted too?

What attracts you to a magazine?

-The artist
-The layout
-Font colours
What content are you interested to read in a music magazine?

-Gossip columns
-Style tips
-Tour dates & info
What colour scheme do you prefer on a music magazine cover?


 I will be using these questions to ask my target audience in order to progress my research for my music magazine. The questions may change and I may be adding in a few more.  After I have conducted my research I will then be asking these questions to my peers which I will use the feedback to create this research as my focus group. Some of these questions I could put into my survey, not all the questions here I could ask my focus group so I can further my research by sending a range of questions similar to these as an online music survey using survey monkey .

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