Saturday 15 February 2014

Shots Taken

Shots Taken

These were the final shots I had taken of my artist to choose one to use for my front cover image.  I chose the last image because it was a clear high quality image and it was taken at eye level of my artist which was effective as this is a direct angle of gaze, so people would be drawn to the magazine as her gaze appears more intense and because my artist is looking straight at the viewer its engaging them to focus their attention on her which creates a real sense of connection between the model and those who are viewing the image. The angle I shot my model from gave an even combination of shadowing certain areas of her face and where lighting captured her face highlighted her key facial features which made the image stand out to me so this is why I chose to use this image for my front cover. I've also made sure to remember the 'rule of thirds' when I was taking my photos of my artist, by making sure my model/artist was in the centre of my shots which creates a more powerful image, but I've also given my subject room around her in my shots so I have the choice to zoom in and crop out how much I want to cut from my image I thought this was a good idea because if I took a series of extra-closeup shots and I didn't like them I wouldn't have the ability to un-zoom from them whereas leaving room around the shots I take gives me the option to leave it as a mid shot or creating a close/extra-close up shot by zooming in and cropping out of the photo. My model in my shots is the main point of interest and how I made that come across to people that view my photos is by keeping my background as minimalistic as possible, that's why I've chosen to use a white background so more attention is drawn to the subject of my shots.
I had my artist wear a black t-shirt for my shoots to use for my front cover image. I've made her wear that because her overall appearance of her hair, skin tone and eyes are all quite soft pale light colours and in addition to that the background is white so I needed a colour to bring her forward from fading into the background, so this is why I've chosen to have her wear black. Also she's wearing a gold snake chain for the shots as it links to my artists fashion sense and what females of her age group would typically wear so this would appeal to my target audience, and it also adds more to the shot by using this prop so the photos doesn't look to simple and plain, I also wrote in my shot list that I would be having my model wear a chain so I've followed through with what I had previously planned my artist to wear in this shot. So finally I've chosen to use the last image as my front cover image, reason being is that not only is it a good image but it's the most similar shot that I had drawn in my flat plan so this shows that I am putting all my drafts and planning to good use by showing the clear link from the portrait I had drawn of the artist on my flat plan and the shot I had taken of her.

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